Drain Field Treatment..

Home: Basic Septic Tank & Drain field Information

Information on System Design

Information on Septic Tank & Drain field Chemicals

Information on Inspections

Annimation of a Working Septic Tank & Drain field system

Information on Drain field Perk Tests

Information on Septic Tank Access Ports

Leach Field

Who to Contact Localy

  The other day I read an article that said you should not use any chemical treatments because they
could break up the layer of scum inside the tank. Isn't that what you want? In a perfect world they
might not be necessary but with the potential costs and inconvenience of a clogged drain field they
ARE a good idea. The important thing to remember about chemicals is consistancey. Using them once
in a while can cause problems, but regular use, like monthly, can prolong the life of your system. But
stay away from those chemicals that promice "you will never pump again", because you will, and should
about every 3 to 5 years. If they were that good how did they find a container to hold it?

Here are a few things to look for in a septic tank & drain field treatment

  1. Is it poisonous, corrosive, caustic, or polluting, that's bad
  2. Or is it biodegradable, that's good.
  3. Does it aid normal operation of the waste disposal system.
  4. Does it reduce gums and pectins which cause blockage in the drain field.
  5. Does it reduce soap scum and grease in drain lines and septic tanks.
  6. Does it help eliminate soggy soil and puddling due to drain field clogging.
  7. Does it help to reduce odors.
  8. Will it hurt pipes.
  9. Does it make rediculous claims.

One of the biggest problems is the old saying "out of sight out of mind" because as soon as the drain field
is back to normal it is very easy to forget to take care of it. The septic system and drain field catch all the
water in your home so instead of flushing your septic tank treatment, you can treat the kitchen sink with it
and the sink drain can benefit at the same as the septic tank and drain field.

Now that you know what to look for in a treatment check out several of the sites below to see if they offer anything
that would help you.